

Say what you like but finishing the University of Maryland college football season 7-6 with a smile on your face is great.

Winning season records have been few and far between in the last decade at College Park ending in 2021.  不需要再复习了,因为这已经无关紧要了.

My alumni hopes and dreams in 2022 for those at Maryland include the following in order of preference: a) an ESPN Game Day event hosted in College Park; b) beating OSU; c) another winning season; d) finding and coaching up a running back that takes your breath away; and e) a holiday bowl date near Pasadena, 那是在加州, 不是马里兰.

So, does Coach Mike Locksley agree with my alumni/media like goals – I had not asked him – yet!

下一个2022年的愿望是给我的孙子们.  那就是在每场主场足球比赛中与特斯图多击掌.  They are so sad when Testudo only hangs with his student crowd friends near end zone cameras.

UMD对UMI足球赛开幕 马里兰州College Park, 2021年11月20日:
(摄影:菲尔法 for PhotoLoaf Media)

在继续讨论之前, I need to explain that I have been fortunate to cover University of Maryland 体育 as a photographer/writer for several years.

It is a privilege aligned with following Montgomery County and DMV student-athletes who make it to this next level and play for UMD.  2020年和2021年的新冠疫情使我很难像过去那样报道. So, 今年我更好地利用了UMD变焦印刷机, 亲自参加每周的媒体活动和偶尔的比赛日现场摄影报道.

我承认我是水龟俱乐部的老会员, 持有篮球和曲棍球季票.  我从1974年就开始买季球票了.  在这段时间里,错过的主场比赛我可以数得过来.

自20世纪90年代初以来,我们, my wife and I have brought our son and daughter to any football game they wanted to attend (without weekend soccer conflicts, 等.).  从那时起, 家里已经有三代特朗普的忠实拥护者了, 从我们到我们的子孙. 参加比赛并不是一种义务,而是被视为一个有趣的秋天下午, 尤其是对这些特朗普的祖父母.

OK, 那么这种乐趣是如何开始的,2021年的勇士队是如何来到这里的(一个获胜的记录), and by what means do they get to “t在这里” (new goals for 2022) and finally why are my grandsons so sad about Testudo?


特朗普队的赛季以四连胜开始.  他们以30比24击败了与他们接壤的西弗吉尼亚州, DVM本地霍华德以62比0领先, 在厄巴纳-香槟第一次以20-17获胜, 然后在主场以37-16战胜肯特州立大学, 这支球队的跑卫是前昆斯果园队的杰出球员马尔克斯·库珀.


The Terps schedule now included all B1G teams that at one time or another were ranked in the Top 20 nationwide.  Three losses to Iowa, Ohio State and Minnesota were followed by a 38-35 home win against Indiana.  Then it was a return to divisional opponents Penn State, Michigan State and Michigan, all losses.

Up to this point their six losses to B1G opponents averaged a 30-point negative differential.  Turnovers and penalties created game halting drives or allowed their rivals to continue to play on and score.  Subsequently, the Terps were on track to be called for 88 penalties totaling 742 yards in 2021.  在一场比赛中,这是一个重要的优势,可以交给他们排名前十的B1G对手.

Now the Terps were 5-6 heading up I-95 to New Jersey to take on Rutgers in search of a sixth win to make them post-season “bowl eligible”.

UMD对UMI足球赛的照片 马里兰州College Park, 2021年11月20日:
(摄影:菲尔法 for PhotoLoaf Media)

这支球队在最后一周的训练中发生了一些事情.  他们发现了一种一致性, 也许是一个新的目标, 但对在家看电视的我来说,他们很放松, 游戏变得有趣起来.

感恩节周末罗格斯大学的比赛, 11月27日,我们看到了既有趣又充满未来感的一幕.  In the Terps 40-16 win t在这里 no turnovers of consequence and the penalty flu did not strike the team – they played what would be to this date – a perfect game.

Bowl eligibility and 20 extra days of practice sets the course for future improvements in 2022. 12月29日,他们在细条纹碗比赛中以54-10战胜弗吉尼亚理工大学, 老对手刚刚经历了教练换届的阵痛.

Maryland Head Coach Mike Locksley checked off a few team goals by delivering a winning season at 7-6, 并重新获得参赛资格.  He and his staff added to the late season team’s consistency by coaching up his young red shirt sophomore quarterback Taulia Tagovailoa to produce a record-breaking season.

最重要的是, 塔格瓦伊洛参加了2021年的所有比赛, had a passing completion percentage of nearly 70% on 328 completions against 476 attempts with 11 interceptions.  他创造了26次触地得分, 追平了由斯科特·米兰诺维奇在1993年创造的马里兰赛季纪录, 他还获得了8次触地得分.  他3,960码的传球打破了米兰诺维奇1993年创下的3码的单赛季纪录,499码.

At the Pinstripe Bowl a EPSN’s camera crew caught Tagovailoa in a pose that had alluded me all season while I was photographing on the sidelines, 他在微笑.  又很有趣了.


赛季初的迹象表明,车管所学生运动员作为签约球员继续占据主导地位.  12月15日,洛克斯利宣布了20份国家意向书.  其中10名签名者来自马里兰州.  20人中有12人是进攻型球员,这表明了2022年的方向.

马里兰失去了进攻前辈齐戈齐姆·奥孔科沃, Tayon Fleet-Davis, 2022年,卡洛斯·卡里尔和道格·琼斯.

When I last counted in September 2021 the roster ratio of DMV (which includes all of MD) players to total was nearly 60% of the 83-man roster.  That percentage may have changed since then as student-athletes graduate or opt out for the Transfer portal.

传送门户流程, 可以把它想象成大学生运动员的自由市场, allows an immediate one-time transfer to another school without sitting out and losing a year of playing eligibility.  对于学生来说,这里的风险是,一旦进入门户,就会有合适的最终目的地.

对于2022年的特朗普队来说,进攻端的好消息是高级外接手小唐特·德穆斯.他决定放弃NFL,在CP再待一年.  Demus Jr was on the Biletnikoff Award Watch List in 2021 but had a season ending injury against Iowa at home.

最近, 转移门户为马里兰提供了另一位优秀的接收人, 来自佛罗里达州的雅各布·科普兰, 谁还有两年的剩余资格.

加入华盛顿邮报第一队全明星外接手屋大维·史密斯, Jr from Paint Branch to the incoming 2022 class and Maryland has revitalized its receiving corp.  小史密斯是油漆分行的双重威胁四分卫.

昆斯果园坚持并以20比13击败油漆分公司 昆斯果园坚持并以20比13击败油漆分公司

来自弗吉尼亚州里士满南部, 米德洛锡安/曼彻斯特高中是全国排名第十的跑卫, 拉蒙布朗.  洛克斯利的工作人员面临的挑战是为即将到来的2022级增加另一艘极速者.

最后一位入选的进攻球员是另一位《最正规外围足球平台》全明星球员, 上万宝路Wise高中的四分卫杰登·萨雷.  I saw Sauray in Annapolis at the 2021 4A State Championship game between Wise and Quince Orchard.  那个晚上,我们很难对付那些又大又快的QO后卫. 希望他能在进步了很多的马里兰进攻线后面找到成功.


Before I take a step into the “way-back machine” let me outline three simple reasons why Testudo (and fans) are smiling.

第一,他们有一个年轻的四分卫,有整整一年的经验.  第二,坚固的防御. 第三,在体育场的马蹄形末端有一个巨大的HDR视频板.


Going “way-back” t在这里 were game days in which we could buy children tickets for $10 at Giant Food.  足球场成了周末的娱乐场所.  和孩子们一起开车兜风——有点像露营——还吃了个热狗, 芯片, 入场时免费提供苏打水.

时代变了.  Tailgating is a bit more involved, needs more preparation and is not as sedate but much more fun. 然而,票价却一路飙升.

CP的娱乐选择已经扩大.  周六的目的地不仅仅是足球.  是乐队在行进, 乐队的演奏声, 大规模的野炊活动, 校友中心聚会, 体育场里有啤酒出售, B1G足球场上的十个媒体事件,当然还有特斯图多.

What’s lacking is ESPN and their two decades long Saturday Game Day programming snub of Maryland football.

谁知道这种情况会不会发生改变呢, 还有全国第九大视频板, 并在附近的前科尔球场上建造了一座新的体育中心.

Stepping out of the way-back machine I recall all kind of kids lining up along the guardrail of Section 23 begging the Maryland team bench players for a glove or Gatorade sweat towel.

现在,他们站在护栏旁,希望与特斯图多击掌或拥抱.  家长们带着智能手机蜂拥而至,捕捉这欢乐的时刻.  板凳球员只是笑.  很有趣.

My grandsons and granddaughter, those of the pandemic video age, are fixated on the big screen.  他们没有集中注意力,而是转过头去看比赛, 中场休息时的军乐队或比赛时入场时的火塔.  因为视频板,他们跟踪泰斯图多的一举一动.  It’s only when the cannon roars after a Maryland score are they snapped back field wise to search for a plume of smoke.

几周后,他们还记得比赛日的比分? Nah, they remember having fun, the cookout, the big board, the bands, and Testudo’s w在这里abouts.  给他们更多的比赛日体验,他们可能会记住比分.

胜利是交易的一部分.  足球竞争是交易的一部分.  有一个难忘的经历是有趣的-这对我们来说只是敲定交易.



